Burnaby Lake Rugby Club

Our very own Greg Cargnelli has been a soccer and rugby coach in and around Vancouver for 34 years for various teams such as Dunbar Soccer, Douglas Park, Cliff Avenue & Meraloma. Two years ago he was welcomed aboard as a coach for the Burnaby Lake Rugby Club....

BMW X5 Display

BMW has a temporary structure currently set up at Burrard Landing by the Olympic Torch to showcase their new X5 model. Their event management company e.w.enture flew over from Germany to set up the structure and organize the event. Cool Air was contracted to provide...

ASHRAE Golf Tournament 2013

Our second year of sponsoring Hole 12 at the ASHRAE Golf Tournament was a success. It was held at Swan-E-Set Bay Resort & Country Club again and we brought along some radiant heaters along with our 15,000 CFM blower, the “Hurricane”. This year was...

Brennan Park Heating Project

This Squamish Recreation Centre is under upgrades to its’ HVAC and boiler system by Keith Plumbing and Heating. We are part of the subcontractor team to handle the temporary heating while the dedicated units are being replaced. From removing the window panes to...

LEED Green Associate

Congratulations to John O’Malley on obtaining his LEED Green Associate Certificate! Our new LEED certification coupled with our powerful 15,000 CFM blowers mean we’re ready to roll when you are. Not familiar with our building flush out units? Check them...